Resources: Credentials

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Credentials is the page where you can configure authorization credentials for requests that WeChat Gateway will perform.

Credentials screenshot

Code name - name for credentials. WeChat Gateway supports different authorizations for different requests. This means you can set up different credentials for different requests and the code name is used to identify which credentials are being used.  

Auth type - WeChat Gateway supports two ways to authorize requests to an external system:

  • Basic Authentication - for this kind of authentication you will need to provide a login and password
  • Bearer Authentication - for this kind of authentication you will need to provide a token
  • API Key Authentication - for this kind of authentication you will need to provide a token
  • Expired Bearer Authentication - for this kind of authentication you will need to provide url to generate token, token expired time, token request method (if POST then need to add JSON fields and values)

Authentication URL/Path - URL or path that will be used to process user authentication from the WeChat Gateway Login page. You can specify either a fully qualified URL ( or a Path (/wechat-login). If you elect to specify only a path then WeChat Gateway will use the Service API domain that you have configured here. This endpoint should support following API(Swagger UI)