Resources: WeChat Login page
WeChat Gateway supports the authentication for the WeChat channel users to the external (client's) system. When a WeChat user make a request to the external system using Template Messages the system could respond that this user is not authorized (typically, this will happen when the WeChat user ID is not recognised by the external system, for example where the author does not have an account set up). In this scenario the 'authorization process' will be triggered. In the WeChat channel the user will receive a message containing an URL and asked to register/login so that the authentication process can be performed.
The Authentication process is performed in the following way:
- WeChat user enters their login and password credentials to the external system and submits the login form.
- WeChat Gateway will then make an HTTP PUT request to the Path configured in Credentials. That endpoind should support following request(Swagger UI)
- The WeChat user will then be notified that they have passed the authentication process
- The WeChat user is able to close the in-app browser and repeat request to system again if the step 1 above is not successful.